Div 4 Teacher Update:
Ms Lajeunesse will be working with you on Thursday and Friday. She has applied for my position and we are waiting for the list of applicants to be reviewed, shortlisted and interviewed before we can announce who will be working with you for the next six weeks while I recover from my surgery. I will keep you posted.
Academic Notes:
English: You will complete and submit your setting maps. We will continue listening to Lord of the Flies with the understanding that William Golding has been foreshadowing a violent end to this book. We are uncomfortable even at the suggestion of violence because we enjoy the luxury of civilization, law and order. Sometimes it is easy to forget how lucky we are.
Social Studies: You will do a Viking Evidence assessment and a Viking Boat Building Challenge this week. This involves building a Viking Longship, testing it for buoyancy, for performance in low and high wind. Teamwork is the skills focus.
Math: You will be estimating square roots this week after you do a test on squaring and square roots tomorrow (Tuesday). Again, many of you need to drill your doubles in multiplication to perform better and this needs to be done at home.
Today's word is: nautical