Friday, March 30, 2018
Saturday, March 17, 2018
Thursday, March 15, 2018
Thursday, March 15th

Today's summaries:
Div 4 Block 1: S.S. or Math work block. S.S. research time or Math exercise time depending on which you need work time and support to complete.
PI Day for Div 3 in Mount Olympus (no S.S. class today)
English Div 5: We explored alien characterization in Sci Fi. We watched R'ha and then designed our own alien creations.
Exploratory Afternoon: You designed your Open House station in teams. When we return, you will create signage, write exhibition text, and put together those stations.
Wednesday, March 14, 2018
Wednesday, March 14th

This is Montana showing us the foundations for the new outdoor forestry exhibit that she and her team planned for the Sooke Museum due for completion this Summer.
Today's class summaries:
English Div 5: You viewed the original Carl Sagan speech with its accompanying dialogue. The Earthcentric pieces were left in this piece. You also viewed and responded to a Sci Fi short.
Div 3, 4, 5 presentation: We were lucky enough to have Montana, the Curator and Collections manager from the Sooke Museum come and talk to us about the process of putting together an exhibit in preparation for our own April 19th Open House. Montana talked about the skills that she uses in her job and the jobs associated with hers. She also encouraged us to keep current with our museum by reading her Curator's Corner articles in the Sooke News Mirror. We will, Montana!!!
This is Montana showing us the foundations for the new outdoor exhibit that she and her team planned.
Div 3, 4, and 5 OPEN HOUSE Design Challenge - Group organization
Tuesday, March 13, 2018
Tuesday, March 13th

English Div 5: You were given time to tie up your quick write piece and you viewed "The Wanderers" inspired by Carl Sagan. You were asked to complete a Film Response form.
Math Div 4: You did lesson 6.2 to review solving for x using algebra.
English Div 4: You viewed the video R'ha and completed a short film response. Here is the link to that page.
S.S. Div 4: You were given research sheets to begin researching your term 3 inquiry question. Here is the link to that page.
Bon Voyage Journey Students Bound for JAPAN tomorrow!!!!!

Monday, March 12th
Consider this photo. What is the story behind it?
Math Div 4: You practiced maintaining equilibrium in algebraic equations to solve for x, the unknown.
S.S. Div 3 and 4: You shared ideas about how to showcase your learning and school to an Open House audience.
English Div 4 and 5: You wrote a composition built around the picture featured at the beginning of the post. You will be assessed using three of the 6 traits of writing.
Saturday, March 10, 2018
Friday and the Weekend

Friday's Summaries:
Mars Mission: You completed a personal manifest filling a 55 L pack with your most valued and purposeful possessions.
Design Thinking Challenge: You went through a few stages of the design process leading up to April 19th's OPEN HOUSE. On Wednesday next week Montana, the curator and collections coordinator for the Sooke Museum will be in to discuss her design process. Currently, she is constructing a new exhibit at the museum. For our part, you have drafted 5 ideas for stations/exhibits/activities at the open house. I am giving you credit for Career Ed. (Div 4 and 5).
Mars Mission Emergency Launch Meeting: You met with all the mars mission participants to go over department manifests and personal manifests. We need to leave the planet as soon as possible.
No homework this weekend.

Thursday, March 8, 2018
Thursday, March 8th
![The Laws of #Robotics [INFOGRAPHIC] #Asimov #Google #Microsoft - on navigating #ethics and safeguarding our #future.](https://i.pinimg.com/564x/99/88/70/998870b27e31ce7bb576621bacd174b6.jpg)
For an instant prize, tell me one of these laws.
Today's summaries:
Math Div 4: You were given an algebra practice sheet.
S.S. Div 3: You conducted a design challenge around open house.
English Div 5: We learned Isaac Asimov's 3 laws of robotics. Then we listened to and read two of his stories, "The Fun We Had" and "A Boy and his Best Friend".

Wednesday, March 7, 2018
Wednesday, March 7th
Thanks for coming in Ms Bertucci. Today, I was teacher in charge with Ms Abell. It was good to know you were in for me.
As a part of our Sci Fi unit, we watched this video by Ted Talk:
As a part of our Sci Fi unit, we watched this video by Ted Talk:
Consider how the future may look. Good. Bad.
English Div 5: You scoured the net for cutting edge technology. You listed these innovations on a piece of 11x17 paper with your partner. These discoveries are the stuff of stories, stories of the future.
S.S. Div 3 and 4: You viewed a video reviewing the key ideas of the feudal age and took picture notes. I want you to consider how you could use video to represent your learning during the final inquiry.
Math Div 4: Ms Bertucci started you into an exercise set to practice maintaining equilibrium in 2 step algebraic equations.

Today's word is a phrase: BACK to the FUTURE
Tuesday, March 6, 2018
Monday and Tuesday, March 6th and 7th

Course Summaries:
English Div 5: We looked at how to rework your sentence to avoid the dreaded repetition. Your essay/article is due on Friday. We started our Sci Fi Fantasy Unit by distinguishing between the two. Then, we looked at some Science robotics technology to spark your imagination and to see where other people see inspiration for this type of genre.
English Div 4: We started our Sci Fi Fantasy Unit by distinguishing between the two. Then, we looked at some Science robotics technology to spark your imagination and to see where other people see inspiration for this type of genre. You explored cutting edge technology with a view to peek into the future.
Social Studies Div 3: You investigated possible inquiry topics for the third term by doing a web search. All you need to do is to contemplate what you would like to explore.
Social Studies Div 4: You applied a grid to your "Alternate Reality England" map.
Math Div 4: You began an exploration into algebraic thinking and steps using models.

Today's word is: Earthquake (as in a tiny one in Langford)
Saturday, March 3, 2018
March 2nd and the Weekend

You had first block to catch up on outstanding assignments in your core subject areas. Many of you cleared your list of overdue items.
We would like all of those assignments in by Monday. Monday is our deadline and our boss doesn't make exceptions which is real life.
Course Summaries:
English Div 5: You had the last drafting block for your essay/article. Next week you will peer edit and publish. Many of you are starting the third term off right and are keeping up with work deadlines even when you aren't here.
English Div 4: You conducted the last of the fishbowl discussions. I was very interested by some of the topics you investigated in your articles. It seems that many of you are concluding that internet articles don't always model the best writing.
So, those of you who have kept pace with instruction and have all your assignments in don't have homework in my classes. Those of you who have been away should be catching up on assignments. Scroll down and check the course summaries. Make a goal to develop strategies that work for you to manage deadlines and study schedules. We suggest a few different ways, but it is up to you to choose the one that really fits with how you learn/function.

Thursday, March 1, 2018
Thursday, March 1st

Course Summaries:
Math Div 4: Some of you did an SFU Math challenge while others were reviewing how to operate with integers. I am offering a retest for some of you on Monday. Next week we are delving into algebraic thinking.
English Div 5: You are 4 blocks into the article/essay. Blocks 1 and 2 were for research and note taking. Blocks 3 and 4 were for organizing those notes and writing them into a set of defined paragraphs. If you were away, you need to make up the time at home.
S.S. Div 3: You added a grid to the Alternative Reality Map and you took virtual tours of world museums to start thinking about how to set up our own open house.
Tomorrow is an I Day opportunity for some of you to catch up. If you are caught up, you can have a morning of fun watching

Today's word: Daniel
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