Great first week everyone. Thank you to all our great parents who helped make our back to school BBQ a success.
Please note these important upcoming dates on your agendas, calendars, electronic devices:
- Sept. 10 Picture Day;
- Sept. 17 Grade 8 Beach Day at Mystic (part of the PE Curriculum);
- Sept. 19 Meet the Teacher (Please come to Room 1169 at 6pm [other teachers are doing 6:30, this way we don't overlap and we can connect with you ])
- Sept 27 Terry Fox Run
Remember: we need to come up with a fundraising station for Cops for Cancer. Some suggestions have included: Jeopardy Game, Cheezie Head, Lounge, School Wide Hide and Seek...
So next week we will be running lessons, learning new concepts and practicing skills....this means homework too.
In Math, we will complete the Grade 8 Diagnostic Test, review divisibility rules and multiplication strategies. In Social Studies, we will be reviewing ways to research history and mapping skills. Finally, in Science, we will be reviewing safety procedures and the Scientific Method.
This would not be included under safe lab behaviour and it does warn: Do not try this at home...but it is ...secret phrase "good wacky fun":