Ski Trip Update:
Some parents still need to meet with a grade 8 teacher or our administration and sign the District moderate risk waiver form. Please approach us via email, if you need to schedule a meeting (students cannot go on the trip without this meeting). If you are a parent wanting to go on the trip, chaperones are not needed, but your company always is welcome. If you pay through us, you will get the transportation, lesson and lift ticket at a cut rate. Otherwise, you can drive up and deal with payment/passes as a regular mountain user.
Now for the sad news: Mount Washington has closed until their snow base increases. We will keep you posted as this situation evolves. West Coast mountains can build up their base over a few days, but they can also have dry years.
Here is how we are going to work some scenarios:
If the Mountain doesn't open by February 18th, we will move the date of the trip.
If the Mountain doesn't open again for the season, we will cancel the trip and we will offer families one of two options:
1. a full refund
2. the ski trip payment will be put toward the grade 8 camp trip in June (this option would involve a part refund as the camp will be cheaper than the ski day)
As both a parent and a teacher, I hope that our trip will be a go (although the old lady in me doesn't mind the idea of not getting up at 4:30am! ;-)
Any questions or concerns, please email me:
The phrase for today's entry is: "Bring on the snow!"