Parent Teacher Interviews and Interims:
Your parents should receive an email regarding your booking tonight. There are still spots available for those who want them, but they are going fast. As grade 8 teachers, Mrs Abell and I conference together so we have combined our appointments; the system did not do this. Interviews are 10 minutes long to accommodate 57 students and their parents. If your family would like a longer interview on an alternate date, please get them to email me or Mrs Abell to arrange such a meeting.
Interims go home tomorrow. They focus on work habits. End of term is December 5th and report cards will go home December 12th so there is plenty of time to improve your marks until then.
English: Begin reading your novels. Commit to the three parts of the Individual Novel Study and have your parents sign off on this. You have until December 1st to read your novel. Class time will be provided, but you will need to do some take home as well.
S.S.: Make sure that your Interactive Notebooks are detailed and up to date. I am collecting them on Wednesday next week.
French: Quiz Tomorrow
HCE: None.
Today's word is: Interview.
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