Sunday, March 1, 2015

This week, March 2nd to 6th

This is the last week before Spring Break, so come prepared to work hard because we have a lot to cover.

*Please note that homework will not be assigned over the holiday for Mrs. Bridal's classes. However, students have been asked to read a novel within the Sci Fi/Fantasy genre over the break. When they return, they will be asked to review the book for the class. Graphic novels are acceptable choices and they can be particularly entertaining in this genre.

Calendar Notes:

Friday, March 6th, Blocks 1 and 2. Journey Hockey Tournament. (Please note that blocks 3 to 5 are academic; Mrs Abell and I will be delivering lessons and providing followup exercises to master the skills taught in those lessons. In other words, this is a working day.)

Academic Notes:

English - This week we will finish reading F. Scott Fitzgerald's "The Curious Case of Benjamin Button". Then, we will compare the written text with the screen version; the two are very different, but the question is why did Eric Roth, the screenwriter, choose to make those radical changes in the plot? We will review story elements' terms to compare and contrast the two versions of the story.
HCE - Cyber-safety is our topic this week. We will review how to lock down your privacy settings on social media sites to protect yourself against cyber bullying and cyber stalking.
Social Studies - We continue to investigate what Feudal life was like in Medieval England. The "Day in the Life" journal entries and the cover page are due on Thursday. Please refer to the course site for the project criteria. This criteria was reviewed in class, but if students want to achieve the best results, they should review the criteria before composing or creating their work.
French - We will review IR/ER verb conjugations. Also, we will conclude our food's unit with a "recette a la sandwich" mini project.
The class is open Tuesday and Wednesday at lunch, if students need the support or have to catch up after an absence. 

Math - we will continue to work on dividing fractions, practicing three different methods (using drawings/number lines, common denominators and invert and multiply).  Homework is expected for Monday (due Wednesday), with a comprehension quiz on multiplying and dividing fractions on Thursday.
Science - we will be drawing using the scientific format we have been looking at in class.  Monday will be simple, Tuesday we will be looking at live speciments :-)
The drawings on Tuesday will be handed in to be evaluated.

Today's word is: repugnant (from The Curious Case of B.B. and one of my favourite words)

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