Monday, November 9, 2015

November 9th

Calendar Notes:

Assembly Tomorrow - Div 5 students will be performing poems for the ceremony. Parents are welcome.

Academic Notes:

Block 1: English Div 6- We looked at how to identify and fix sentence fragments and run on sentences. You were given a grammar package. We did two pages of it and we will finish with it tomorrow.

Block 2: S.S. Div 2 - We began Unit 3, our study of the Vikings. I read you pages 31 to 35 in the text. Then, we did questions 1 to 5. You will be given time to complete these next class and to submit them for 5 marks.

Block 4: HCE Div 18 - The last of the sleep presentations were given today. Those of you who do not want to present in person need to email me your project. We discussed how to in class.

Block 5: English Div 5- We looked at how to identify and fix sentence fragments and run on sentences. You were given a grammar package. We did two pages of it and will finish with it tomorrow.

Today's word: "remember"

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