Calendar Notes:
Report Cards go home on Friday, March 11th (but we can tell you your marks before then)
March 11th is the last day of school before SPRING BREAK (but don't lose your minds because we are now working on the third term). First day back is March 30th and we will be right back into academic studies.
Academic Notes:
English - You will be doing a writers' workshop for the week, planning, drafting, editing and proofreading your stories. Remember, you are marking these stories and supporting your mark with a good piece of writing and supporting comments. I will either agree or disagree. The rough draft will be collected on Friday. NHI for students who don't (in grade 8).
Social Studies - You will be mapping your manors, creating a coat of arms for your fiefs and taking a test on manorialism and mapping on Wednesday. This is what is on the test: you will be asked to convert meters to kilometers, map a manor and explain why you placed each building/feature where you did, explain why manorialism developed. Hope you are reading this.
French - Francophone countries research.
HCE - A letter to your future self which Mrs Bridal will mail in March of your graduating year 2020. Grade 7s will do another activity.