Thursday, March 3, 2016

March 2nd

Academic Notes;

Neighbourhood Meeting: Sooke Fall Fair

Social Studies Div 2: You were given time to map your manor. You need to consult with your fief members to identify where major features and buildings are because your maps need to match. Use the grid system and the scale to properly set out the plan for your self sufficient community. You have a mid unit test next Wednesday; manorialism and mapping skills will be tested.

Social Studies Div 5: We learned about grid systems. You mapped out a manor on a grid and then played a game of catapult (aka Battleship). You have a mid unit test next Wednesday; manorialism and mapping skills will be tested. We reviewed what type of questions will be on the test.

English Div 6: You were given a work block to plan and draft your story.

When movies get it wrong. This is a scene from... for an entry.

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