Wednesday, February 17, 2016

February 17th

Academic Notes:

Theatre Sports Presentation - In a word, hilarious.

Social Studies Div 2 and 5: You were given notes on Manors and Manorialism. The Barons have chosen their land and we are going to establish 3 manor lands on each plot of land.

Numeracy: You worked on benchmark fractions and equivalent fractions. Many of you cannot identify factors or multiples of numbers; this is symptomatic of not knowing times tables. At this stage, you need to drill at home daily to know these key facts because in Grade 8 Math not knowing times tables is like saying you don't know how to walk, but want to be on the track team.

English Div 6: You were assigned a "Setting Plan" for your Fantasy or Science Fiction story. You are to create a plan that describes your setting in detail. It can be either a visual or a written format, but it should detail all the settings in your story. (Div 6 due date February 24th)

For an entry, answer this question....what is your favourite book?

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