Tuesday, February 2, 2016

February 2nd

Social Studies: No Homework ( Div 5: you were given a mid unit test on Feudalism. Div 5 and 6 met to discuss boundaries and the fiefdoms. You were asked to justify those boundaries based on your basic and strategic needs. This proved difficult for some.)

English: No Homework (Div 6: You wrote a summary paragraph on the "9th Planet". Div 5 No English today)

French: Porter Dialogue for Tuesday, February 9th (We reviewed er verb conjugation, the verb porter and how to use adjectives of colour with clothes. You were tasked with preparing your dialogue.)

For Math and Science notes, please refer to Madame's blog.

Today's question: Why would you want to have a mountain within your fief's/domaine's boundary?

This is the oldest remaining map of the world. It is Chinese from the Ming Dynasty (1418 AD). Consider this: the maps that we would have been using to divide up land in the middle ages were highly inaccurate. How would that affect boundaries? Disputes?

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