Thursday, October 5, 2017

Oct. 5th

Image result for Vikings and modern day funny

Bike and walk to school finale tomorrow.

Due Date Notice: Social Studies Personal History Due on Tuesday, Oct. 17th (Class time will be provided, but the finished products will be presented in their various forms on this date)

Math Div 4: Square Towers. You built them after music. We will use them to think about those numbers that are less than perfect (like Ms Bridal)

S.S. Div 3: You reviewed how to set up Cornell Notes. Then, you viewed a movie on Vikings. You were to answer the question: How do we know what we know about the Vikings? How do we decide what is important? I wonder if the Vikings could even imagine that we would be looking at what they left behind and thinking about how they lived.

English Div 5: Grade 8 You were to read Chapter 4 and to annotate evidence of the characters acting like "bullies" or being targets or the "victims of bullies".  Grade 7s You were to read Chapters 3 and 4. Then, you were given Chrome Books to start a Facebook page for the "most likely" to lead.

Exploratories :-)

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