Sunday, October 22, 2017

This week, October 23rd to 27th

Image result for dancing halloween guy gif
Calendar Notes:

Tickets will be on sale for the Halloween Dance (October 26th 6:30 to 8:30). Tickets are $5.

There will be a field trip notice going home tomorrow. We are going to Commonwealth Pool at the end of Halloween Week, November 3rd.

Academic Notes:

This week we will be writing our own interim reports. These reports focus on work habits rather than grades, but the two are very closely related.

S.S.: We will be taking a couple of blocks to view students' personal history projects. Then by week's end we will be doing a Viking STEM activity to launch us into our next inquiry.

English: Mrs B will be working with you this week. We are into the most difficult part of Lord of the Flies. Mrs B intends to read these chapters to you in a circle. Your job will be to listen and interpret what is happening; discussions will focus on human behaviour. What can we learn from this book? Grade 7s will be engaged in activities around their book series which connect with Lord of the Flies' survival theme. Both grades will have a choice of final projects to do related to their books.

Math: Fractions are the topic this week. A reminder that Khan Academy provides free, measured practice for all Math skills. You can download it on your phone, if you have one, or pull it up on your home computer.

Here are Mrs Abell's subject notes:

Science - we have come to the end of our safety unit and students will be given a couple of activities to help them review for their quiz on Thursday. They are to review:
  • WHMIS symbols and titles
  • instances in the lab or during an experiment where the student has to understand the safety equipment needed for precautionary measures
  • procedures in the lab (ex. what to wear, what to do before, during and after an experiment or in the case of an emergency)
I strongly encourage students to also make their summary/study notes to help prepare for the quiz. I will also be collecting interactive notebooks on Thursday, after the quiz, to be evaluated for organization and completion.

FSL - last week we worked with personal pronouns and I introduced the concept of a family of verbs called -er verbs. We took notes together and students were given a practice sheet to complete for Monday. We will go over the sheet and we will practice this concept some more. I will be that horrific teacher and test the students....on Halloween, October 31 (sorry, couldn't find another time in the schedule :0/ )

Global Simulation: This week you will be meeting and greeting the other characters who are hoping to be on the Space AB flight to Mars. Why are we doing this? It is a fun way to flex your creative and critical thinking skills not to mention exercising your social graces. :-)

Here is to a great week.
Related image
Word is: distracting

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