Tomorrow you will be entertained by a hypnotist blocks 3 and 4. I will not be at school. Please be gracious with your Teacher on Call.
If you have any questions about your grade 9 courses, please contact EMCS for more information. Your parents need to sign your course confirmation sheets and you need to get them into us on MONDAY, JANUARY 26TH. EMCS Grade 9 Course Cruising is linked on the right.
(If you miss school, your homework is keeping up with the class work and making up for what you miss, when you get back)
English: Finish the "Sentence Grammar Package". (Today, we reviewed the definition of a fragment and a run-on; you were given time to work on the sentence grammar package. I have pinned a copy to the assignments section of this week's wiki page).
S.S.: Keep your Interactive Notebook up to date. You should have picto notes on the concept of Feudalism and a diagram of Feudal Hierarchy in your book; if you don't, get them done.
French: Mon alien is due on Monday for Div. 5, Div 2 has no homework.
HCE: None
The word for this week is: snap. I will do the draw on Monday next week.
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