Sunday, January 4, 2015

This week, January 5th to 9th, 2015

Happy New Year Division 5 and 6!

Come prepared Monday to get back to work. 

As per the email sent out, here is your week in academics:

English: We will be starting a non-fiction unit. Do not expect homework this week as reading and writing assignments will be done in class. Of course, if work is outstanding, there is no class time for that and it is expected that students will complete it at home or at lunch.

Social Studies: We will review the three, main religions at play in Europe during the Middle Ages. There will be a test on those religions this coming Friday. It will be out of 30 marks, have true and false questions, fill in the blank vocabulary, short and long answer questions.

HCE: We will be looking to the future and writing a letter to our grade 12 selves. I will mail this to you in your 12th year.

French: We will review er verbs and have a quiz on them next week.

Math – first class will a jump-start to the brain – review.  We will return to Pythagorean theorem that we looked at before the break and homework should be expected on Monday.  Students will start a unit project on Wednesday, which is proposed to be due on Monday, Jan. 12.  An electronic copy can be provided if you wish, just email me at .

Science – unit summaries are due on Monday, Jan. 5. Students in groups of 2-3 (or individually if they wish) will design and conduct an experiment of their own creation.  It will include all the steps of the Scientific Method that we have been studying in class, including a report with quantitative data that can be graphed.  They will have the week for this assignment and the project is proposed to be due at the end of this week (Friday)

Get to bed early tonight and see you bright...or not so bright...and early tomorrow.

Mrs Bridal and Mrs Abell

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