Sunday, January 31, 2016

This week, February 1st to 5th

Calendar Notes for February:

February 8th FAMILY DAY
February 16th High School Counsellors visit for course selection
February 19th Pro D Day/ No School for you I am going to be learning about Google Apps for Education

Academic Notes for this week:

English: Tomorrow you will edit a badly written paragraph as a test of your editing ability. We will look at different ways to rewrite sentences so that they are not repetitive. Our reading focus will continue to be informational texts around science.

Social Studies: We will continue to investigate the feudal system. You will be tested on your understanding of the concept and your feudal role on Monday (Div 2) and Tuesday (Div 5).

French: Porter dialogues will be practiced this week. This will provide an oral language mark for the course.

HCE: We will begin a unit on healthy eating and teens. Eating well is a good way to support both physical and mental health.

Today's question: What group is at the bottom of the feudal social pyramid?

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