Monday, February 15, 2016

February 15th

If you or your parents want to get a better idea about the offerings at EMCS, they are hosting an open house this Thursday evening. All are welcome.


HCE: What is a "good" friend? We are investigating what a good friend is and what a "needs improvement" friend is.

English: Div 6 We looked at the passive and active voice. You were given notes and had a few exercises to do. We began looking at "Fantasy".

S.S.: Div 2  You were given two handouts on the noble class and ladies. We viewed a short video on the subject.

HCE: Div 18 You are going to design an orientation film for incoming Grade 5s.

English: Div 5 We reviewed sentence construction. You were given in class exercises on capitalization, using conjunctions and a review of sentence types.

If you weren't at school, catching up is your homework. If you were at school, there was no homework assigned in my classes today.

What movie/story is this gif depicting? The answer for an entry.

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