Wednesday, April 5, 2017

Wednesday April 5th

Math - You continued to work on the practice sets on Ratio. The test is on Monday. The link to the pages can be found in yesterday's post.

English Div 5 - You were given a library block to choose new reading material and to submit any overdue work. You started on your Historical Fiction or Fantasy short story. The plan was due in class. The draft will be due at the end of class on the 10th of April. The published copy is due April 17th.

English/S.S. Div 4 - You were given a computer/library block to work on your inquiry projects. These projects are due on the morning of April 12th for the Open House.

S.S. Div 3 - You were given a computer/library block to work on your inquiry projects. You self assessed your research work which is now overdue.

Today's word is: connection

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