Tuesday, March 11, 2014

March 11th

Thanks to Mr. Whyte who taught on call for me today. I am still feeling a bit off, but I should be in tomorrow.

Some reminders and notes:

1. Keep your "Mark Book" current. It is an assignment with extra copies to be found on the Math Wiki. If you are missing a mark, you are missing an assignment. You should always be able to answer the "how are you doing in the class?" question yourself.
2. Speaking of which report cards go home on Friday.
3. Honour Roll and Effort Roll are going to be called at a recognition ceremony this Friday at 11:30.
4. Pi Day is Friday. Last block we have a Pi Competition. One challenger is suggesting that one of the prizes should be Boston Cream Pie.
5. Any changes or late registrations that you want to make for grade 9 needs to be done through the EMCS Counseling Department; we have passed the signed forms to them.