Wednesday, March 5, 2014

March 5th

(Inspired by your twisted game of dodgeball and that I am turning into a Grade 9 style teacher so grogrhrol...not saying that Grade 9 teachers are zombies or anything :-)

Tomorrow is parent teacher interviews followed by a showcase of learning and fabulous entertainment which starts at 5 and runs until 7.
Just a reminder that both Mr Horner and I are more than happy to arrange meetings outside of this time, if your parents have concerns.

I know that term's end is stressful, but I really want to stress not to focus on the negative and to be proactive. All of us can make goals to do better. I have mine planned out, do you? (BTW marked your S.S quizzes and I was really happy with a lot of the results...some of you still owe your S.S. paragraph "Knight's Training").

State your plan here for an entry tomorrow.


  1. More focused, for better grades (I feel like I can do better)

  2. My Goal is to hand in all my homework on time and keep my name of the board

  3. my goal is to put all 110 percent in my projects and work




  4. my goal is to do better in test.
    "I wont to do better"


  5. my goal is to do better in test

  6. my goal Is to get more then 99% in math :}
