Wednesday, January 21, 2015

January 21st

Exploratories tomorrow. Dress appropriately.

Click on the Grade 9 Course Selection Link to sign up for courses at EMCS.

Visit EMCS tonight from 6:30-8:30. Word is that they are handing out a lot of goodies as well as tidbits of information about programs at the school.

Tell your parents that my husband will be at the PAC table and is looking to recruit parents who want a say in how that school is run.


English: None. (Today we wrote a review quiz on the grammar points we have been discussing in class. Div 6 reviewed different sentence types: Simple, Compound and Complex.)

French: Div 5 Mon Alien is due on Friday(We had class time to complete the "Mon Alien" diagram. Grammar errors were brought to light especially around agreement (plurals) and the use of articles (le, la and les)

S.S.: Feudal Pyramid (We discussed the Feudal Pyramid and recreated one for our Interactive Notebooks)

HCE: None

Today's word is "High School"

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