Monday, January 26, 2015

January 26th

Friday is the LAST day for Ski money.


-Complete the rough draft of the reader's response to Jack Knox's article on Hockey parents for Tuesday (Div 5) and Wednesday (Div 6).
-Select a non fiction article to write a response to for the final project (Div 5 and 6)
(Today Div 6 had computer time to work on the Jack Knox response and to look for a final project article; Div 5 had time to complete the rough draft of the Knox response.

-None (If you were absent: you should complete the five questions and submit them when you return.)

-None (Make sure that your Interactive Notebook is up-to-date)


A reminder that if you are away, it is your responsibility to keep up to date by using the blog, course links and friends. When you return, you will be expected to complete projects and assignments missed during your absence; such is the policy at High School.

Today's word is: "preparation"

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