Friday, October 27, 2017

Oct. 27th

Image result for Viking boat gif
Today's summaries:

English Div 4 and 5: You had a chance to work on your story endings in class; a full block was allotted to writing or typing your first draft. You are to finish that draft by Wednesday. Share the document with Mrs Bridal at You were assigned a role in the spooky Reader's Theatre performance.

S.S. Div 3: Our inquiry question is: How do we know what is important to study in history? Is the Viking civilization worth studying?  I would argue that their superior nautical technology, the Longship, proves that these were a formidable human group. So, to explore their technology you completed a worksheet overview of  Viking longships. Then, you were to brainstorm and craft a design for your own group's Viking boat constructed out of: 7 small popsicle sticks, 1 large popsicle stick, 2 finger lengths of duck tape, 2 sticks of hot glue, two straws, a lump of molding clay, and a section of cardstock paper. We will build your designs on Monday. You can find this engineering challenge on the bottom of the Unit 2 page on the SS link.

Sail off into your weekend....
Image result for Viking boat gif

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