Tuesday, October 10, 2017

October 10th

Image result for Pythagoras gif
Today's summaries:
(Mrs B., our student teacher, is teaching English and Math until the last week of November as a part of her practicum)

English 8, Div 4 and 5: You were given Chapter 5 to read and annotate. You were given three questions to focus your reading:

English 7: You were given time to read a couple of chapters of your novel, Shipwrecked. Then, you were given time on the chrome books to develop your leader/character facebook pages.

Math Div 4: You were read a story about Pythagorus. Then, you were asked to use Pythagorus' proof on a selection of right angle triangles. You have a POP quiz tomorrow on squares and square roots...not so POP...I have been telling you about it here. Are you listening? ;-)
Image result for Pythagoras story bookImage result for Pythagoras proof with square units

S.S. Div 3: You got your tests back and some time to improve your marks if you needed. Many of you did exceptionally well on this test. For the lesson, you were given Viking evidence and asked to complete a form detailing what the primary source artifacts told you about the Vikings and what questions they raised. At times, when we are piecing together evidence there are more questions than answers.
Personal History Projects will be presented on Tuesday, October 19th in Mr Sulzen's room.
Today's word is under this cool gif:
Image result for Pythagoras gif
Triangle :-)

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