Monday, November 24, 2014

November 28th

A couple of you were surprised to "discover" that you have until this Monday, December 1st to read your novel, complete the vocabulary and the reader's responses. This is surprising given that this deadline has been posted on this blog and the homework board for two weeks. My job is to set the deadlines, yours is to keep track of them. Comment on how far you are along in the project for an instant prize.

Congratulations to those of you who have read your book, completed the vocabulary section and are half way through your responses; this is a good pace of study.

Don't be surprised by the following homework list:

English: Read your novel, complete parts 1 and 2 of the novel study by Monday, December 1st (Next week)

S.S.: Polish your Fall of Rome and Barbarian Migration notes. Study for the final this Friday (we will be doing in-class study too)

French: Div 2 Francophone Country Project - choose your country; Div 5 Tahiti Suitcase Les Vetements

HCE: 5 Questions on the Effect of Marijuana and the Teenage Brain


  1. I'm doing kind of okay

    1. "Kind of okay" can imply that you are having some difficulty, but it can also mean that you are doing okay. Remember, I am available for small group help at lunch, if you feel overwhelmed.

  2. i have finished my book The Giver.
    im having trouble because i cant find many wordds in the book i dont know or that are over used.
    I have started to plan what i will do for project 2 but still not decided on what to do.

    1. So, I have a recommendation for you, Yann, and for anyone else with a mammoth vocabulary: select a list of useful adjectives from the text and rather than define the adjectives, use them in a perfectly crafted sentence. I am marking with a critical eye so make sure that the sentences vary in their length and structure. This would count as an "alternative vocabulary assignment" which is allowed according to my project criteria. Best of luck.

  3. I'm about a third of the way into my book at Pg 101 it's getting really interesting and stuff... Yeah

  4. Im almost finished The Giver and i am keeping along well with my reading responses. Right now i am very low on vocabulary words but when im done i hope too have much more.

  5. I emailed u how i am doing
