Sunday, November 30, 2014

This week, December 1st to 5th.

End of Term is December 5th. All overdue assignments must be in by this date, at the very latest. 
Also, as it is December, Jordan would like his classmates to bring in decorations for the class tree. We want to be festive and bright.

(A current incomplete list will be posted tomorrow)

If you are missing assignments, come in at lunch to catch up or complete them at home.

English: Part 1 and 2 of the Independent Dystopian Novel Study are due tomorrow. I will enter Part 1 and one of the Reader's Responses as a Term 1 mark, the rest will stand a a Term 2 mark.

S.S.: None

French: Francophone Country Project due on December 10th. One more class block to work on it, the rest should be completed at home.

HCE: None


  1. Legend has it that Attila the Hun died from a nosebleed in 453AD

  2. ha ha ha ha ha ha......whoops mean ho ho ho lol

  3. Can we have class time to work ob out novel study projects tomorrow?
