Tuesday, October 6, 2015

October 6th

Some things can make sleep very, very difficult.

Advisory: We check in on those sleep journals. Copies of the journals are available on the Health and Career 8 Page under Week 3, Assignments.

Block 1: English Div 5 - We looked at how adjectives can improve writing by making it more descriptive. Then, you were asked to write a setting description using a photograph of an old mansion in Dawson City, Yukon. The link is available in the English site under Unit 2, Exercises.

Block 2/3: English Div 6 - We looked at your descriptions of setting and you were asked to circle all the adjectives and to put an S above those that described the setting. Less circles generally meant less descriptive. Then, you were asked to write a description of character using as many adjectives as you could to detail her appearance, possible personality and state of being. Following that, you were given time to read and I recorded your choices to keep track of your interests and your reading habits. Reading regularly does improve academic achievement.

FIRE DRILL - The Grade 8s were the ...BEST (and our grade 7s)

Block 4: S.S. Div 5 - Computer Lab Time for the Personal History Project (See Unit 1 Under Assignments)

Block 5: French Div 5 - We looked at completing a basic conversation in French that involved sharing favourite and least favourite sports.

The word for today is: "REM sleep"

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