Sunday, October 18, 2015

This week, October 19th to 22nd

English: This week you will be looking at Verbs for our weekly Grammar grind. These handy parts of speech allow you to express an action and we will be needing those for our Ghost stories. Speaking of which, you will be writing the first draft of these stories this week. We will also be reviewing how to correctly peer edit and proofread each other's work to make it the best that it can be. I have a few short stories that I will be sharing with you and we will be responding to those; don't worry you won't be screaming in response, I only choose well crafted and thought provoking Scary Stories. (Ghost Story deadlines: Rough is due on October 22nd/ Neat is due on October 29th).

Social Studies: We will conclude our look into the fall of Rome and we will begin to look at the Germanic tribes or "barbarians" who are credited/blamed for the fall of Rome. There will be a review quiz on the Rise and Fall of Rome on Thursday for both Divisions 2 and 5. This test will be multiple choice and short answer questions. (I will collect the personal history projects first off on Monday)

French: We will present our likes/dislikes dialogues for credit.

Advisory/Health and Career: Interim reports will be going out at the end of this week and we want you to understand what they are intended for and how to respond to them. So, this week we will be looking at SMART goals, a way of planning out how to do better. I will be modelling how to use these goals by scrutinizing my own teaching practice and setting some goals to improve it. 

Math - the final word problem is due this Monday (division).  We will now work on order of operations (also known as BEDMAS).  Review will take place on Monday and Tuesday, with exercises for practice given each day, possibly as homework.  Students will be writing a quiz using the strategies we have discussed in class to solve word problems on Wednesday.  Students will most likely write a quiz on the order of operations on Thursday.

Science - students were given review activities to help them review for their quiz on Tuesday on Lab and Science safety.  We will then be moving into how to create an experiment and a report.

Yoda, you are so wise, but no understanding of word order have you.

Here's to a great week, Div 2, 5 and 6. Today's word for a draw tomorrow is: "goals"

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