Wednesday, December 11, 2013

Dec. 11

Already so many donations to our food drive. Thank you so much and keep them coming. Mr. Bedard is giving away prizes for specialty items every day. If I were you, I would loudly announce the item you are bringing in to Mr Bedard in the morning so that he may mention yours on the announcement for a prize. You know I love prizes!

Division 1, your parents would be so proud of you. You were very gentle, mature and helpful with a very young group of little buddies from John Muir's Kindie class. All of you were so adorable, I almost had one of my boo hoo moments. ;-)

Division 2, I am looking at securing a group from Sooke Elementary for you. I really want to see you working with some of the little ones.

A reminder that we are going on a Field Trip this Friday and your parents/guardians need to give you permission to go. If you aren't going, class is not in session at the school blocks 3-5; the classes will be at Tectoria in Victoria.

Post the name of a computer language in the comments for an entry.


  1. heyo its Kara. im guessing maybe java script? not sure but that's my entry

  2. Ruby, C, C++, Csharp, A, D, Java, Javascript, PHP, Perl, Smalltalk, Python, Clojure, Basic, Bash, ObjectiveC, Cobal, Pascal, Lua, and Lisp. I didn't even look online. :)

  3. is brody im going whith my mom for the cristmas holidays I going to be so much fun
