Thursday, September 14, 2017

Sept. 14th

Image result for narnia lamppost gif
A summary of my classes:

Math Div 4: You were given time to work on your math definitions and examples in your groups. I will give you time to finish this up in class tomorrow, first thing.

S.S. Div 3: We viewed a video account by a holocaust survivor, an example of a primary source of information. Then, you viewed a video that went further into defining primary information and secondary information. You were given a handout th at listed types of historical evidence. Next class we will sort that evidence into primary and secondary. We will be looking at the pros and cons of each type of evidence.

English Div 5: We discussed the story elements in a Lord of the Flies so far. You listened and read to pg. 24 of the pdf and time mark 26:32 of the audio book. No homework. Don't read ahead this is a group experience across the Grade 8 class.

Neighbourhood lamp building challenge all afternoon.
Today's word is: lamp

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