Monday, May 12, 2014

May 12th

Sorry for the late post, but here is a puppy to distract you.

A lot of you have been asking about when we are going up to visit EMCS. I have news: we head there on Tuesday, May 27th  from 12:50 to 2:35 to check out the facilities and to meet some of the teachers. Classes will be in session and you will note that the students are a lot calmer up there so let's blend when we are there or we will look like "oh no, it's the grade 8s". 

Bring your school supplies tomorrow. Many of you are without pencils, pens, erasers and paper which are pretty fundamental to getting school work down and done.

Today's word is: puggly.

1 comment:

  1. Ha some of us will blend right in...but i doubt most will. I plan to though. Im going there next year so I better plan not to be a target xD that would suck. Cm.
