Wednesday, May 14, 2014

May 14th

And now for something completely different, a man on a flaming unicycle. This one's for you R.C.

This is the last week for finishing the research page on your Renaissance Man (or Woman). I will collect and mark them next week before we use them to write a formal, 5 paragraph essay.

Come prepared for your exploratories tomorrow....bring extra band-aids Mantrackers.

Today's word is: unicycle.


  1. Band aids? Scars make the man or wo-man. Not that I should be talking oh wait but I am the one talking :D . I bet a lot of people from div.2 are going to try that now that they've seen it just not on a unicycle and bye. Cm

  2. I hope Div. 2 does no such thing, "playing with fire" is a saying about danger for a reason :-) Now a few scratches and stinging nettle...that is less dramatic...but fun.

  3. The word is unicycle. stupid things
